Hard Wax or Soft Wax?

"Do you prefer hard wax or soft wax?"  I ask this question to all first-time clients.  They look at me with confusion and say, "I didn't know there were options."

Most people are familiar with the soft wax, also known as strip wax. It's the most common form of temporary hair removal.  The wax is applied in a thin layer on the skin (in the same direction of hair growth) and a piece of muslin fabric is placed on top to remove hair by pulling in the opposite direction of hair growth.  There are many companies out there that have hundreds of different options for soft wax.  At Dermasweet, we use Cirepil Forte.  It's a transparent, yellow wax that consists of an emulsifying agent, mineral oil and sweet almond oil.  Soft wax tends to pick up everything- makeup, hair, and dead skin cells.  Because it is set to a very warm temperature and exfoliates the skin, I recommend soft wax be used on larger, less sensitive body parts- arms, legs, back, chest, etc.

If sugaring wasn't an option, hard wax would be my go-to for the more sensitve areas- face, bikini, or brazilian.  The hard wax has a thicker application.  It acts like shrink wrap, clinging mostly to just the hair itself.  Once dried, the wax is removed in one pull, without a strip of paper.  Although it is still at a high temperature and removed by pulling in the opposite direction of growth, it is a little less invasive than the soft/strip wax.  We use Cirepil Blue wax which consists of rosin, beeswax, and lanolin, to help sooth.

Sugaring will always be my preference when it comes to temporary hair removal, but sometimes, depending on the length of the hair, it's more practical to use hard or soft wax.  At Dermasweet, I make sure we have all forms of hair removal available to my clients, so I can keep them as comfortable as possible.


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